PhD Studentship Opportunities
The Brierley lab offers year 1 rotation projects and full PhD projects (subject to availability) for students accepted on the following doctoral training programmes:
UCL Birkbeck MRC DTP (Neuroscience & Mental Health Theme)
Wellcome UCL PhD Programme in Optical Biology
UK Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training
Please note that we do not currently have any lab-specific funding for PhD studentships, however we welcome enquiries from students wishing to apply for individual funding to join the lab. See here for our departmental PhD funding page, and here for general funding advice from the UCL graduate school.
MSc / MRes Project Opportunities
The Brierley lab offers a limited number of research project placements each year to UCL students studying for MSci, MSc or MRes degrees in the UCL Divisions of Biosciences or Medicine.
Research Visit & Internship Opportunities
We welcome enquiries from external students interested in undertaking a research visit as part of their PhD programme, and also from students wishing to undertake summer research internships (typically UCL students but external also considered).